It is tough to clean up a crime scene. While it may be tempting to dispose of all evidence of the occurrence at once, doing so may prejudice a criminal inquiry. Body fluids and tissue cannot be thrown away like garbage, and handling them without the necessary training and equipment is exceedingly risky. The vast majority of individuals are not mentally prepared to complete the work, and commercially available cleaning supplies and equipment are inadequate.
While the term "crime scene cleaning" normally conjures up pictures of a puddle of blood, there are a number of dangerous compounds that must be cleaned by specialists who have the proper knowledge and equipment:
If you have a disaster or a crime scene in your home or workplace, call the specialists at Restoration1 of North West Arkansas. We will arrive on time and in complete quiet to remove biohazardous items in line with all applicable state, federal, and municipal regulations as well as OSHA requirements. We also work with law enforcement to ensure that investigations are not endangered. Because our empathetic professionals recognize that our customers are going through a tough period, they are given our undivided attention and respect.